Prof. François Laurent

Prof. François Laurent is professor in medical imaging at Bordeaux University and hospital practitioner at Bordeaux University Hospital. He is the head of the medical imaging department at Bordeaux University Hospital. He is a member of Inserm Unit 1045 (cardio-thoracic research center).
Summary CV
François Laurent, MD PhD, born in 1956, is head of the department of radiology since 2008. He was trained as a resident at Bordeaux University Hospitals from 1980 to 1984, obtained a master in bioimaging in 1984, an MD in 1985, and worked as a research fellow at Cleveland University Hospitals, Ohio, in 1985-1986. He is a professor in medical radiology-imaging since 1990. Since 2000 he has been head of the thoracic and cardiovascular imaging unit, and from 2010 to 2014 is was head of the imaging “pole” at Bordeaux University Hospitals. He is member of Inserm Unit U1045 (Center for Cardio-Thoracic Research, director Roger Marthan), member of the clinical research executive desk at Bordeaux University Hospital, member of the steering committee of the Excellence Laboratory TRAIL (ANR-10-LabX 057), member of the scientific council and of the French society of radiology.
Selected References
1. Dournes G, Chateil JF, Montaudon M, Berger P, Laurent F. Qiet sub-millimetric MRI of the lung is feasible using PETRA sequence at 1.5T. Radiology 2015 Mar 13:141655.
2. Dournes G, Laurent F, Coste F, Dromer C, Blanchard E, Picard F, Baldacci F, Montaudon M, Girodet PO, Marthan R, Berger P.Computed tomographic measurement of airway remodeling and emphysema in advanced chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Correlation with pulmonary hypertension. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2015 Jan 1;191(1):63-70.
3. Laurent F, Paris C, Ferretti GR, Beigelman C, Montaudon M, Latrabe V, Jankowski A, Badachi Y, Clin B, Gislard A, Letourneux M, Luc A, Schorlé E, Brochard P, Ameille J, Pairon JC. Inter-reader agreement in HRCT detection of pleural plaques and asbestosis in participants with previous occupational exposure to asbestos. Occup Environ Med. 2014 Dec;71(12):865-70.
4. Cochet H, Dubois R, Sacher F, Derval N, Sermesant M, Hocini M, Montaudon M, Haïssaguerre M, Laurent F, Jaïs P.Cardiac arrythmias: multimodal assessment integrating body surface ECG mapping into cardiac imaging. Radiology. 2014 Apr;271(1):239-47.
5. Pairon JC, Laurent F, Rinaldo M, Clin B, Andujar P, Ameille J, Brochard P, Chammings S, Ferretti G, Galateau-Salé F, Gislard A, Letourneux M, Luc A, Paris C, Pairon JC. Pleural Plaques and the Risk of Pleural Mesothelioma. J Natl Cancer Inst 2013, 105:293-301