
Prof. Andreas Bikfalvi is professor of cell and molecular biology at Bordeaux University. He has strong expertise in angiogenesis and leads the INSERM unit 1029 that currently explores the...

Prof. Guillaume Blin is professor in bioinformatics at Bordeaux University and leads the MABioVis team (Models and Algorithms for Bioinformatics and information visualisation), addressing challenges...

Prof. Jean-Michel Boiron is professor in clinical hematology, transfusion, at the University Hospital and University of Bordeaux. He is currently affiliated with Inserm U1034, with a particular...

Prof. Laurence Bordenave is professor in biophysics and nuclear medicine and head of the department of nuclear medicine at Bordeaux University hospital. Her research mainly focuses on translational...

Prof. Geneviève Chêne, director for SMART teaching activities, is professor in biostatistics and public health at Bordeaux University Inserm Center U1219, coordinator of the CIC-EC, and head of the...

Dr. Cécile Delcourt is epidemiologist and senior researcher at Inserm Center U1219, where she leads the LEHA team. She is internationally renowned for her work on the epidemiology of eye diseases...

Dr. Carole Dufouil is epidemiologist and biostatistician, research director at Bordeaux Population Health Inserm Center U1219, and co-director of the VINTAGE team. Her research focuses on...

Pr. Marie-Noëlle Delyfer, director for SMART clinical activities, is university professor and hospital practitioner in ophthalmology at Bordeaux University Hospital. Her areas of expertise include...

Dr. Philippe Gosse is hospital practitioner in cardiology at Bordeaux University Hospital where he leads the department of cardiology and hypertension, at Saint André University Hospital. He is...

Dr. Catherine Helmer is a physician-epidemiologist researcher at Bordeaux Population Health Inserm Center UMR1219. Within the LEHA team she leads various research projects on the relation between...

Dr. Chloé James is associate professor and hospital practitioner in the hematology laboratory of Bordeaux University Hospital, specialized in hematology and homeostasis. Within Inserm U1034, she...

Prof. Jean-François Korobelnik is Professor of Ophthalmology at the University Hospital of Bordeaux since 1999, head of the ophthalmology department. Pr. Korobelnik is involved in clinical research,...

Prof. Bernard Mazoyer is professor of radiology and medical imaging at Bordeaux University and University hospital. He leads the CNRS-CEA UMR5296 research unit. He pioneered the development of brain...

Dr. Macha Nikolski, director for SMART data management and optimization, is research director at CNRS and head of the Bordeaux Bioinformatics Center (CBiB). Her main research axes are: (i) the...

Pr. Christophe Tzourio, director for SMART research activities, is professor of epidemiology and public health at Bordeaux University and director of Inserm Center of UMR897. Pr. Tzourio has a...

Prof. Jérôme Wittwer is professor in economics at Bordeaux University and responsible for the EMOS "Economics and Management of Health Organizations" emerging team within the Bordeaux Population...

Dr. David-Alexandre Tregouët is Reseach Director first class at Bordeaux Population Research Inserm Center U1219. His research program is focused on the application of machine learning and...