Associate Members - Collaborators

Dr. Hubert Cochet is hospital practitioner in medical imaging at Bordeaux University hospital. He is a member of CTCRB Inserm Unit U1045 (Cardiothoracic Research Center) as well as a steering...

Pr. Vincent Dousset is professor in medical imaging at Bordeaux University and hospital practitioner at Bordeaux University Hospital. He leads the neuro-imaging department at Bordeaux University...

Prof. François Laurent is professor in medical imaging at Bordeaux University and hospital practitioner at Bordeaux University Hospital. He is the head of the medical imaging department at Bordeaux...

Prof. Igor Sibon is Professor of Neurology at Bordeaux University Hospital. He is director of the Stroke Unit. In addition, he is co-director of the team “ Neuroimagery and human cognition ” at the...

Prof. François Tison is professor of Neurology at Bordeaux University Hospital. He is coordinator of the Bordeaux Center of Excellence for Neurodegenerative disorders (BIND), head of the Institute...

Prof. Thomas Tourdias is Professor in medical imaging at Bordeaux University and hospital practitioner (PU-PH) at Bordeaux University Hospital (CHU of Bordeaux). Dr. Tourdias is also a member of...