Dr. Catherine Helmer

Dr. Catherine Helmer is a physician-epidemiologist researcher at Bordeaux Population Health Inserm Center UMR1219. Within the LEHA team she leads various research projects on the relation between brain and eye disease, particularly in relation with vascular damage. She coordinates the 3C-Bordeaux study and is coordinating investigator of the AIDALZ trial (multicentric randomized trial).
Summary CV
Catherine Helmer, MD, PhD, born in 1967, is a physician-epidemiologist researcher at Bordeaux Population Health Inserm Center U1219. She is the scientific leader of the "Aging, health and disability" axis in the LEHA - Lifelong exposures, health and ageing - team within U1219. She is the co-PI of the 3C-Bordeaux study and the AIDALZ trial (multicentric randomized trial aiming to evaluate the efficacy of a systematic intervention to prevent behavioural problems). She is also deputy medical officer at Clinical Investigation Center - Clinical Epidemiology 1401 in Bordeaux “Aging Axis” since November 2007. Her research focuses on the descriptive epidemiology and the determinants of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, as well as the public health consequences of these diseases, with a particular interest to the impact of recourse to care. More recently a part of her researches have been focused on ocular biomarkers, including vascular ocular biomarkers, in dementia and Alzheimer's disease.
Selected References
1. Bernard C, Helmer C, Dilharreguy B, Amieva H, Auriacombe S, Dartigues JF, Allard M, Catheline G (2014). Time course of brain volume changes in the preclinical phase of Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimers Dement; 10(2):143-151.
2. Pimouguet C, Delva F, Le Goff M, Stern Y, Pasquier F, Berr C, Tzourio C, Dartigues JF, Helmer C. Survival and early recourse to care for dementia: A population based study. Alzheimers Dement 2014 Aug 14 [Epub ahead of print].
3. Helmer C, Malet F, Rougier MB, Schweitzer C, Colin J, Delyfer MN, Korobelnik JF, Barberger-Gateau P, Dartigues JF, Delcourt C. (2013). Is there a link between open-angle glaucoma and dementia? The Three-City-Alienor cohort. Ann Neurol; 74(2):171-9.
4. Pimouguet C, Lavaud T, Dartigues JF, Helmer C (2010). Dementia case management effectiveness on health care costs and resource utilization: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials. J Nutr Health Aging; 14(8):669-76.
5. Bourdel-Marchasson I, Mouries A, Helmer C. Hyperglycaemia, microangiopathy, diabetes and dementia risk. Diabetes Metab 2010;36:S112-S8.