Prof. Jérôme Wittwer

Prof. Jérôme Wittwer is professor in economics at Bordeaux University and responsible for the EMOS "Economics and Management of Health Organizations" emerging team within the Bordeaux Population Health INSERM center U1219. His research focuses on the economic evaluation of health policies.
Summary CV
Jérôme Wittwer, PhD, born in 1964, Professor in economics, is responsible for the EMOS team "Economics and Management of Health Organizations" affiliated with Bordeaux Population HealthInserm center U1219. Epidemiology and Biostatistics and in charge of the teaching course Methods and Practices in Medic-Economics Evaluation at the Bordeaux University Institute of Public Health (ISPED). Previously he was co-leading the LEGOS, Laboratory on Economics and Management of Health Organizations at Paris Dauphine University, until 2012. He is also a member of the CEESP (Commission on economic evaluation and public health) of the French Health Authority (Haute Autorité de Santé [HAS]). His research focuses on the economic evaluation of health policies and more specifically on access to care, social health inequities and economics of long-term care.
Selected References
1. Le Clainche C., Wittwer J., (2015), Responsibility-sensitive fairness in health financing: Judgments in four European countries, Health Economics, 24:470-480
2. Guthmuller S., Jusot F., Wittwer J., (2014), « Subsidising complementary health insurance: a social experiment in France », Journal of Human Resources, 49:1.
3. Guthmuller S., Jusot F., Wittwer J., Desprès C. (2013), « Le Recours à l’Aide Complémentaire Santé : les Enseignements d’une Expérimentation Sociale à Lille», Economie et Statistique, n°455-456. (Use of Supplemental Health Insurance: lessons learnt from a social experiment in Lille)
4. Guthmuller S., Wittwer J. (2012), « L’effet de la Couverture Maladie Universelle complémentaire (CMU-C) sur le nombre de visites chez le médecin : une approche par régression sur discontinuité », Economie Publique, 28-29. (Effect of the supplemental universal health insurance (CMU-C) on the number of medical appointments: a regression discontinuity approach)
5. Jusot F., Perraudin C., Wittwer J. (2011), « L’accessibilité financière à la complémentaire santé en France : les résultats de l’enquête Budget de Famille 2006», Economie et Statistique, n°450. (Affordability of supplemental health insurance in France : results of the 2006 Household Budget Survey)