Prof. Andreas Bikflavi

Prof. Andreas Bikfalvi is professor of cell and molecular biology at Bordeaux University. He has strong expertise in angiogenesis and leads the INSERM unit 1029 that currently explores the identification of new molecules and targets for tumor angiogenesis, and the development of novel angiogenesis models and other angiogenesis inhibitors or vascular targeting agents.
Summary CV
Andreas Bikfalvi, MD PhD (hematology and oncology), born in 1955, is professor of Cell and Molecular Biology and director of INSERM U1029-LAMC (“Molecular Angiogenesis Laboratory”), at Bordeaux Unviersity. In 1991, he joined, as a post-doctoral fellow, the laboratory of Pr DB Rifkin at New York University Medical Centre where he tackled the problem of the mechanisms of action of different molecular forms of Fibroblast Growth Factor-2. In 1995 he joined the laboratory of Pr D Barritault in Paris as a senior investigator of the National Scientific Research Centre (CNRS). He then joined the University of Bordeaux as a Prof. of Cell and Molecular Biology. He set-up a new laboratory “Molecular Angiogenesis Laboratory”, which focused on the molecular aspects of vascular development and its application towards therapy. The laboratory is, since 2001, affiliated with INSERM (Unit 1029). Different aspects of angiogenesis were tackled in his laboratory. The current projects are mainly related to the identification of new molecules and targets for tumor angiogenesis, and the development of novel angiogenesis models and other angiogenesis inhibitors or vascular targeting agents. Pr Bikfalvi is also involved in teaching and training activities at Bordeaux University. Furthermore, he is/was a member of various committees that include scientific committee of the European School of Haematology, the National Committee of the French Cancer Society, the Regional Cancer Ligue or the Scientific Council of the Biology department of the University Bordeaux. Furthermore, he is a member of the Editorial board of “Angiogenesis”, associated editor of “BMC Cancer” and “BMC Research Notes”, a member of the American Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASBMB) and the German Haematology Association. He has been President of the French Angiogenesis Research Network (1996-2007), which organized a yearly meeting for the French angiogenesis community. This network has now become the French Angiogenesis Society where he is a member of the scientific and administrative committee. He obtained the Henri and Marie Jeanne Mitjavile Award from the National Academy of Medicine (“Académie Nationale de Medicine”, Paris) in 2010. Since 2011, he is a member of the “Institut Universitaire de France” (IUF).
Selected References
1. Clarke K, Daubon T, Turan N, Soulet F, Mohd Zahari M, Ryan KR, Durant S, He S, Herbert J, Ankers J, Heath JK, Bjerkvig R, Bicknell R, Hotchin NA, Bikfalvi A, Falciani F. Inference of Low and High-Grade Glioma Gene Regulatory Networks Delineates the Role of Rnd3 in Establishing Multiple Hallmarks of Cancer. PLoS Genet. 2015 Jul 1;11(7):e1005325. A.Bikfalvi, Co-PI and corresponding author
2. Guérit S, Allain AE, Léon C, Cazenave W, Ferrara N, Branchereau P, Bikfalvi A. VEGF modulates synaptic activity in the developing spinal cord. Dev Neurobiol. 2014 2014 Nov;74(11):1110-22.
3. Platonova N, Miquel G, Regenfuss B, Taouji S, Cursiefen C, Chevet E, Bikfalvi A. Evidence for the interaction of fibroblast growth factor-2 with the lymphatic endothelial cell marker LYVE-1. Blood. 2013 Feb 14;121(7):1229-37. (Faculty 1000 paper)
4. Soulet F, Kilarski WW, Roux-Dalvai F, Herbert JM, Sacewicz I, Mouton-Barbosa E, Bicknell R, Lalor P, Monsarrat B, Bikfalvi A. (2013). Mapping the extracellular and membrane proteome associated with the vasculature and the stroma in the embryo. Mol Cell Proteomics. 2013, 12(8):2293-312
5. Auf G, Jabouille A, Guérit S, Pineau R, Delugin M, et al, Vajkoczy P, Chevet E, Bikfalvi A, Moenner M. Inositol-requiring enzyme 1alpha is a key regulator of angiogenesis and invasion in malignant glioma. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 2010, 107:15553-8.